

Cool thing, Cryo Cooking

On 18.11.07 I was on a fair, the Eat' n styles.

Several exhibitors presented products and services around the topic cooking, food. Particularly a certain demonstration had impressed me, in which liquid nitrogen, with an approximately temperature about 180 degree Celsius, was used for cooking!
nitrogen was contained. From the surface of the liquid ascended whitish steam. The cook used a dispenser comprising some sweet mass and squirted thumb-sized drops into the nitrogen. The mass was kept for only a a short time in the pot, then it was retrieved with a perforated spoon. Off the spoon ran the bubbling nitrogen falling back again into the pot. The result on the spoon had an hardened outer layer, inside the sweet was still fluid and on room temperature - delicious.

Then the cook showed how to prepare ice with the help of liquid nitrogen. He took mango fruit juice, instead of cream olive oil and sugar sirup and put it together. Then he spooned nitrogen into the mixture and mixed everything. The nitrogen bubbled and evaporated in the mixture. This should provide a special volume of the developing ice. After two, three minutes steady mixing and under further addition of liquid nitrogen, the ice was finished. It tasted really lekker and whoever has the opportunity to have a look at Cryo-Cooking should not miss it.

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