

Men learning love: Angel

"On the fifth day, your love has led you to your inner world. Like your inner angel is an revelation for you, you are the prisoners inside revelation. Your connection is growing from day to day and that means in your everyday life your 'angel' will materialize."

"He is not visible, as you can see you, but he moves things around you. Since he is pure love, you notice him only if you have your life aligned in the direction of love. A man, who has found the materialization of the inner angel has become a man of love. Nothing can get in the way of this love, for which the angel wouldn't know a solution. The man has found the people of love who will admit him to their community"

"This materialization I do not understand completely. Is there energy that becomes material?"

"No. More and more the relations to other people will be like intertwining wheels. What you are looking for will cross your way. A river of love, that you will see only if you learn to see with your heart. Do you want to see with your heart? "

"Yes, because now who would say no?"

"Well, then pay attention, because it is not difficult."

...... to be continued ......


Jena Isle said...

I always believed in Saint de Exupery's quotation: "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly."

You are right, love is something that increases in "volume", the more that you give it away.

Beautiful thoughts and concepts worth to ponder on.

Thanks Ray, for sharing them with us.

Anonymous said...

... beautiful series, simply beautiful...
... being your own experience makes its expression so authentic, clear, and powerful...
... thank you for writing this...
... interesting music too, that is, simply music...

Ray Gratzner said...

Dear jenaisle, thank you for giving such a constructive feedback. Reading it makes me happy. I didn't know that quote of Saint de Exupery. Thank you.

Dear rain-bow-bridge. I appreciate your feedback. Nice to hear from you again.

Jena Isle said...

where is the continuation of this one..your succeeding posts are equally good too..brief but incisive...thanks.

Ray Gratzner said...

Dear jena isle, I made a mistake, I forgot to translate and post the next and last post. Thank you for reminding me. I will see to that.