

Men learning love, What is Love?

Celine Dion: Power of love
"What is love?"

She looks at me and her gray hair is falling over her face.

"Love, a man is not worth it. That is what many women in my generation thought and lived. We women were alone, when we were with our men, because they lived in their world and we women in ours and as far as I look ahead this will not change so quickly."


"Why you ask? I will tell you like Ray, why:"

"Because men follow the God of money. All their actions are related to business and for their religious service - service of the money - they want an unconditional love from us women, an unconditional surrender by us women, which we can not give, because men denied us what we women need to be strong. Strong enough to look for an emotional adult child, who will at the ago of 80 not yet be in a position to reflect his own feelings. And why? Because they think feelings are the domain of Women."

"Men are weak if the do not know their feelings, but do know the status of their bank account."

"We women, the memory of the strength of the human society, we women learn to know our feelings and if we love our men, with heart and dedication, then we discover in our feelings at some point, this erosion and congestion, the feeling of emptiness and the depletion. We are struggling with these feelings and are looking for the cause in ourselves until we realize - after many hard and emotional hungry years, that all the heat we saw in them, that all the love that we felt for them, that all the enchantment we felt for them, were nothing more than our wishes. "

"After all, how should a man educate and mature his heart, approaching the strength, if he follows the money. While he spend his life with other men following the money, follow them to war to better the conditions of money. Oh, no, the love of our men doesn't warm us, the love of our men doesn't nourish us. They throw their money at us and exchange the cold against warmth of our body and soul. During the day, they walk through cold deserts and return from the cold back to the women to warm up. "

"Many women break or decide to live in solitude. With the glimmer of hope in the chest that he will one day learn to love or they will run into a man who has learned love."

"That means we men can learn to love?"

....... to be continued. Can men love to learn? "


Jena Isle said...

That's a good question Ray, "Can men love to learn?" Sometimes, they're too proud to accept, that they need to learn. They have to accept first before they could proceed.

I have to agree with Miriam's pronouncements, but not all of it, of course. Sometimes the aspiration for a successful career is too lofty that the family is forgotten and ignored, and the better half is taken for granted.

Acceptance and being tolerant are needed if a relationship has to succeed. The men should understand that women are more emotional than them and should act on that premise.

I speak only from what I perceive.

A thought-provoking post, as usual. ..excellent read.

Thanks for sharing.

Jena Isle said...

and your choice of song is truly apt for the post - titillating choice.
Celine is a great singer.

Mark said...

Interesting. As in all things some of is true for some men. We all have the capacity to learn to love or better yet to unlearn to love the external world and it's empty promises.

Anonymous said...

Hi there Ray
I know this story is to be continued -
but I know the men in my life know how to love
- Robin

Ray Gratzner said...

Dear jena,thank you for your wise thoughts. Acceptance and being tolerant, yes. I agree with you.

Similar conditions will create similar behaviour - men are shaped by their hierarchical communities they live in and they have each day the opportunity to return to the community of equal people.

Blessings Rainer

Dear mark, I think you are a very distinguished and well reflecting man, capable of true love.
But we men have to work up the ugly face of the patriarchy. Karl Marx for example preached freedom and neglected his wife and children.
Jean Jaques Rousseau took his children to the foundling house.
Thank you for visiting.
Blessings Rainer

Dear robin, I am happy to hear that. Blessings Rainer