


A drinker does not drown in alcohol. A drinker suffers under the burden of life that he wants to dissolve by drinking. By dissolving the load, he dissolves his life.


Anonymous said...

How true, booze will only let you forget momentarily, and when reality comes back , the more it stings. We should all face our pains/challenges like a true man - naked and bare.

It's only through this exposures that we strengthen our character and develop our virtues. Booze, does not allow us to do this. Thanks for that very short but enlightening post.

The Acolyte Tao said...

I have to say, before I learned how to ignore my emotions and not let them control me all I would do is moap around and watch movies all day which is the same as drinking. I left some item devour my life away, then after movies I found astral projection which totally made me in a better mood and only increased my life in a positive way!

Ray Gratzner said...

Dear jena, first of all, thank you very much for your stamina to write comments. I feel a little bit guilty because I neglected answering, and I appreciate every comment you have written so far.

Well this sounds as if you have a lot of experience regarding the topic and I agree with your statement. Booze weakens the will to free oneself...and it is a long way downhill before the turnaround will come....

Happy Blogging

Ray Gratzner said...

Dear acolyte tao, thank you for sharing this profound insights If I understand you rightly astral projection helped you to get rid of negative behaviour. I could imagine and believe that....Happy Blogging