

Youth and Mystic

Nadine Kegele has a viewpoint. She writes on www.Chili.cc Austria independent youth side, "we are not saved from upper beings. The longer the hair, the smaller the reason. "

That sounds cheeky and stylish, but where is the connection between hair and mind. I don't see it. Ms. Kegele, as I understand it, states that from esoteric books no help was to be expected, that people mark time when they deal with esoteric. This insight the help-seekers are lacking because they are so very involved in their problems. Her tip to the people's avoid all books with mystic content.

I think the article of Mrs. Kegele is refreshing. He reminds me of my carelessness in my early twenties, when life with all its possibilities waited for me.

But then you start experiencing everyday life, I lost friends and beloved people to death. I saw people fail in their lives and breakdown. I saw injustice, saw bullying, saw…

Mystic has, to my opinion, nothing to do with being rescued by higher beings. A mystic one is the tidy pragmatic man, who applies his mental energies as skillful, as a craftsman applies his tools. Mystic protects us, if the power of youth is no longer compensating the endeavors, that will make life difficult.

An acquaintance once told me of an old judo practitioner. A man of eighty years. In the Dojo, he sent all club members on the mat, although his physical strength has long been shrunk. Why could he do that? Because he commanded over sixty years of experience. Experience, which was worth more than any excessive force. He possessed physical wisdom.

And so I think it is the same with mystic. All insights, everything we learn and which we have convinced ourselves makes us stronger. I recommend Ms. Kegele resubmit the article in twenty years from now on and then to write it again. What will she probably be writing? I am looking forward to it.


Anonymous said...

A mystic may gain respect or admiration because of our perception and projection. What we see or not is closely connected to our self-worth and view of self-acceptance.

Ray Gratzner said...

Dear liara, that was a wise comment, really cool.